Friday, December 18, 2009

blog#13- Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,
This year I think I’ve been more naughty than nice. I got suspended for possession and got grounded for it. While I was stuck in my room I was supposed to clean it but I didn’t do it. I only started it yesterday. Also While I was grounded I snuck out to a party until two in the morning without my mom knowing about it, because I told her I was sick and was going to sleep early. Since it was partly my sisters fault I got suspended I got back at her by telling my mom she was planning on having her friend sneak over even though I did the same thing. She also keeps stealing my cloths so I keep taking things of hers and hiding them.
But I wasn’t all bad this year I had some good moments like when my mom was feeling sick after dinner so I cleaned up the kitchen for her. I also did the laundry for her so everyone wouldn’t be complaining at her in the morning that they had no clothes to wear. I also helped my mom out by helping my sister with her homework when my mom was getting frustrated because my sister wasn’t paying attention or trying. I help my dad sometimes too. Like when he got a new desk and chair and couldn’t put it together because he had just had surgery so I helped him with it. And I also am nice to my friends like when my friend was going through something really big and she was freaking out so I stayed up all night talking her through it then I talked to the other person involved for her. I think I deserve less than I usually get mostly because getting arrested was so bad but I don’t think me or anyone else deserves to get nothing no matter what they did.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

blog #12- home sweet home

I will be living in New York City.
I will be living in a penthouse.
Cost per month is $2,500
2 people living there. (Cost per month each) $1,250
Cost of utilities per month $275.00 (included in monthly cost)
Yearly wages $64,460
Monthly wages $5,371
Monthly wages after bills $4,121

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


My dad had a heart attack then quadruple bypass surgery this September and there was a high chance of him not making it.

Last year on thanksgiving I was still recovering from surgery.

I’ve become very close with my new friends this year, and I can talk to them about anything.

If my dad would have lost his job there wouldn’t be thanksgiving because my mom doesn’t work.
I miss my relatives who live in other countries but everyone over would be a lot of hassle and a lot of bad blood
My mom just bought a bunch of new kitchen appliances so this year we got a massive turkey that was too big for the old fridge.
Usually my mom likes to experiment with dinner but this year she just made normal
thanksgiving food.
Most of my friends parents have divorced but my parents are still together.

My grandma, who I never see because she lives in Scotland, is coming over December 9th.
People are losing their jobs and going through hard times and my dad got paid for a job he did years ago.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

blog #10

What kind of degree do you need?
Photographic arts.
What in-state schools offer the programs you need?
Washtenaw Community College
University of Michigan
Oakland University
Oakland Community College
Northern Michigan University
Mott Community College
Lansing Community College
Grand Valley State University
Ferris State University
Cranbrook Academy of Art
College for Creative Studies
Aquinas College
How long does it take to get the necessary training?
2-4 years
How much does it cost to get the necessary training?
What kind of work will you be doing?
Mostly taking pictures of whatever your employer wants you to.
What kind of wages will you be paid per week?
About 480 a week.
Describe a day in the life of a photographer.
Wake up at eight, eat breakfast, check and respond to business related emails and pay bills, finish reviewing and fixing the photos from the last job, eat lunch, prepare to leave for a shoot, drive to event, set up for the photo shoot, take the photos, finish the photo shoot, drive home, check any business related emails, down load the pictures, pick the best ones, prepare to edit them in the morning, and be finished at five thirty.
I never really planned to pursue a career in photography full time, but I have thought about it a little. After researching it a bit I realized how boring and repetitive it would be and I would want to quit. The idea of having to constantly work alone and have to set up the whole shoots on my own isn’t very appealing. The upside is that I only have to work when I want to and when I need the money. But over all I don’t like the idea of photography as a career but as more of a hobby.

Child and Youth Worker
What kind of degree or certification would you need?
• High school diploma • Volunteer experience working with children or teenagers
• Associate degree in human services or a related area
• Bachelor’s or master’s degree in psychology, social work, or a related area • Experience as a youth counselor
What in state schools offer the programs you need?
Adrian College
Andrews University
Andrews University
Central Michigan University
Ferris State University
And a lot more.
How long does it take to get the necessary training?
Four years.
How much does it cost to get the necessary education and training?
What kind of work will you be doing?
Assisting with mentoring, literacy, and health programs, Individual and group counseling, keeping records, organizing referrals to other social services. Individual and group counseling, doing administrative work, overseeing staff, and developing new programs.
What kind of wages will you be paid per hour/week?
As low as $16,000 a year and about $307 a week
Up to $50,000 a year and about $961 a week
Describe a day in the life of a child and youth worker…
First wake up and get ready then finish any paper work needed for the day, then go to wherever the kids will be at. Like a school or office or youth center. Then depending on what kind of work you do you might then meet with the kids and start tutoring them and help them with their homework then discussing skills for success. After the kids have left for the day you might have to clean up the room and do any paper work for that day.
When I thought of a job involving working with kids I thought it would be more like day care or something involving little kids. The idea of having to help with home work and helping kids with their learning skills doesn’t seem like something I would want to do as a career. I’ve had to be in a class where were taught how to make better choices and it was so boring. I couldn’t understand how anyone could sit thorough that every day and also have to teach it. Helping kids with their issues and problems interests me but anything to do with homework and school defiantly doesn’t interest me at all.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

blog #9


Makeup Artist


Sign Maker

Pharmacy Technician

Pet Groomer

Stunt person




I think this top ten doesn’t fit me that well. All the artistic stuff makes sense to me but I wanted and expected more animal and child stuff. I wouldn’t do any of the choices as a full time career, most of them seem like part time jobs to me. But if I had to pick one it would have to be pet groomer. Just because I like animals. The least likely one would be glazier. It all about working with glass and repairing it and it just sounds mega boring. The stunt person sound s fun but I would never actually do it. I’m pretty sure I got that choice because I said I liked heights and dangerous situations. But I have no idea how I got pharmacy technician. I don’t even know what you have to do and what I said to get it. I think I got the bailiff because I might want to be a cop. Over all I don’t think I would pick any of these as a full time career.

Monday, November 9, 2009

If I only had one day left to live I would want to spend it fulfilling my wildest dreams. I would wake up and ask my mom to make pancakes. Just plain pancakes. I like them like that they taste good. I would then get dressed in something I would want to be wearing at my funeral.
I would then call up all my best friends including Nathalie who lives in Florida and also my extended family that I never see.

I would want to go to cedar point because ive never been there and we would go as soon as it’s open and stay there for about 4 hours. While we were there we would ride the biggest and scariest rides and some little one that look fun. I especially want to ride some roller coasters. While we were in Ohio we would also get Ashley who lives there.
We would then go out to eat at Dave and busters because it looks like fun, and I’ve never been there and I want to. I think it would be fun because of all the games. I’m not gonna eat anything special just a burger. When we are done eating we will move on to my next fantasy.
I love animals so next we would go to a pet store so I can get a new puppy. I know a puppy doesn’t really fit in to the perfect day category but I really want one. Before the end of the day I would give him to a kid who really badly wants one and can’t afford one.
By this time it’s about 3:00. I would then say good bye to my friends forever and then go home to spend some of my last hours on earth with my family. My extended family will meet us somewhere where I can go rock climbing. I like climbing I just don’t like the jump down.

At 9:00 ill start getting ready for my funeral making sure I know what’s happening with my stuff and who’s getting what. I don’t really care where the funeral is just as long as the people I love most are there. At 10:00 I would watch a movie with my family, when the movie is over ill crawl into bed shut my eyes and sleep forever. I think that would be the perfect end to the perfect day.

Friday, October 16, 2009

10 riddles

riddle #1
What side of the cake is left?
riddlw #2
I can sizzle like bacon, I am made with an egg, I have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg, I peel layers like onions, but still remain whole, I can be long, like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole, What am I?
riddlle #3
There was a man one night. He started to run straight forward. Then he turned left. Soon after, he turned left again. Then he started running toward home. When he got home there were 2 masked men waiting for him. Who were they?
riddle #4
You are walking through a field, and you find something to eat. It doesn't have bones, and it doesn't have meat. You pick it up and put it into your pocket. You take it home and put it on a shelf, but 3 days later it walks away. What is it?
riddle #5
"I'm as small as an ant, as big as a whale. I'll approach like a breeze, but can come like a gale. By some I get hit, but all have shown fear. I'll dance to the music, though I can't hear. Of names I have many, of names I have one. I'm as slow as a snail, but from me you can't run. What am I?"
riddle #6
"This is as light as a feather, yet no man can hold it for long. What is it?"
riddle #7
There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies

riddle #8
I'm sometimes white, although usually I'm black. I take you there, but never bring you back. What am I?
riddle #9
I am an ancient invention still used in some parts of the world today that allows people to see through walls. What am I?
riddle # 10
In the grass, I'm clothed in yellow array. Near death, I turn white, and then fly away. What am I?