Friday, September 25, 2009

my ideal school

My ideal school would be a two story school with main classes on the first floor and elective classes on the second floor. School would be four hours a day, four days a week. All four hours would be main classes. And you could choose to stay longer for electives. You can take whatever classes you want in a day, but you have to take all classes four times each week. Each class would have two teachers, one for teaching and another for helping the students. All the class rooms would have tables instead of desks (like in science classes), and no classes with a bunch of kids in them. For grading it will be A, B, C, D, E, F, and if u get in trouble there will be detention and suspensions but no Saturday school. For schedules you can pick what class’s u want for each day and what hour u want to take them, so u can be in classes with your friends. If you take electives, you can choose to take them whatever hour in the day you want, as long as u still do all your other classes. For home work, u can choose to stay at school in a work/study class or u can do your home work at home. But there will always be time at the end of class, but if u stay longer than normal school u have to provide your own way to get home. The kind of work will be mostly hands on with a lot of interaction, like in science classes. And we will use computers in language arts instead of writing. For the buses, you can get them to and from school as long as u only go for the four hours, and if u stay for electives u will also get a bus.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

aphabetical introduction

A- Is for apple, I love apples, there my favorite fruit.
B- Is for bear, my first word.
Bentley, the elementary school I went to
Blue, the color of my eyes.
C- Is for cat, I have one cat named shabby.
Caffine, I love energy and cappuccinos.
Cass, the school I went to for 6th grade.
Canton, where I lived when we moved from England
Cell phones, I loved my cell phone before I broke it.
D- Is for drivers Ed, I’m starting either this month or next.
Dog, I have a dog named buddy
Dalmatian, my dog is a Dalmatian
E -is for England, I was born there and lived there until I was 4.
Energy drinks, I love them.
F -is for fishing, I went once and I liked it a lot.
Fourteen, I’m fourteen
G- Is for girl, I’m a girl.
Is for Georgia, my little sister
H- Is for home, I love being home, when my friends want to hang out I make them come to my house.
Hannah, my middle name.
Holmes, the middle school I went to.
High school, I’m in high school
I –is for ice skating, I love ice skating.
J -is for Jordan, my older brother
K- Is for kiwi, it’s one of my favorite fruits
L- Is for London, where I was born and lived for four years.
Livonia, where I live now and have for five years.
Loud, I’m really loud when I’m not in school.
Lewis, my last name.
Light brown, my natural hair color
M-is for monster, my favorite energy drink.
N-is for Nicola, my name, my dad picked it.
November, I was born on November, 30, 1994
O-is for omelets, there one of my favorite breakfasts.
P-is for pacsun, my favorite store.
Q-is for quiet, I’m quiet in school.
R-is for reading, I hate reading
S-is for Stevenson, my high school.
Sophomore, I’m a sophomore at Stevenson.
Sister, I’m a sister
T-is for tenth grade, I’m in tenth grade
Tall, I’m 5’5
Texting, I love it.
U-is for understanding, I’m very understanding
V-is for vegetables, I hate vegetables
W- Is for westmore, the street I live on
X-is for x-ray, I have had x-rays
Y-is for yellow, one of my favorite colors.
Z-is for zebra stripes, I love zebra stripe stuff