Wednesday, September 23, 2009

aphabetical introduction

A- Is for apple, I love apples, there my favorite fruit.
B- Is for bear, my first word.
Bentley, the elementary school I went to
Blue, the color of my eyes.
C- Is for cat, I have one cat named shabby.
Caffine, I love energy and cappuccinos.
Cass, the school I went to for 6th grade.
Canton, where I lived when we moved from England
Cell phones, I loved my cell phone before I broke it.
D- Is for drivers Ed, I’m starting either this month or next.
Dog, I have a dog named buddy
Dalmatian, my dog is a Dalmatian
E -is for England, I was born there and lived there until I was 4.
Energy drinks, I love them.
F -is for fishing, I went once and I liked it a lot.
Fourteen, I’m fourteen
G- Is for girl, I’m a girl.
Is for Georgia, my little sister
H- Is for home, I love being home, when my friends want to hang out I make them come to my house.
Hannah, my middle name.
Holmes, the middle school I went to.
High school, I’m in high school
I –is for ice skating, I love ice skating.
J -is for Jordan, my older brother
K- Is for kiwi, it’s one of my favorite fruits
L- Is for London, where I was born and lived for four years.
Livonia, where I live now and have for five years.
Loud, I’m really loud when I’m not in school.
Lewis, my last name.
Light brown, my natural hair color
M-is for monster, my favorite energy drink.
N-is for Nicola, my name, my dad picked it.
November, I was born on November, 30, 1994
O-is for omelets, there one of my favorite breakfasts.
P-is for pacsun, my favorite store.
Q-is for quiet, I’m quiet in school.
R-is for reading, I hate reading
S-is for Stevenson, my high school.
Sophomore, I’m a sophomore at Stevenson.
Sister, I’m a sister
T-is for tenth grade, I’m in tenth grade
Tall, I’m 5’5
Texting, I love it.
U-is for understanding, I’m very understanding
V-is for vegetables, I hate vegetables
W- Is for westmore, the street I live on
X-is for x-ray, I have had x-rays
Y-is for yellow, one of my favorite colors.
Z-is for zebra stripes, I love zebra stripe stuff